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50g Boost Tea

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Product Details
Clover Product ID: PZ5CN4F2DGSNE

Sold in a compostable bag. 1 unit = 50g

A smooth tasting blend of energising GREEN TEA which elicits calmness, whilst optimising brain function. Blended with the calming natural sweetness of PEPPERMINT LEAF to help improve fatigue and concentration. The addition of the adaptogenic herb HOLY BASIL also known as Tulsi, helps the body maintain balance against the physical and chemical stresses of everyday life. Contains caffeine.

  • Ingredients:
  • Organic Sencha Green Tea
  • Organic Peppermint Leaf
  • Organic Holy Basil
  • Serving suggestion: 4g/1.5tbsp per 500ml pot
  • Infusion temperature: 90℃
  • Infusion time: 3-5 minutes
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