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Loofco Washing Up Pad

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Product Details
Clover Product ID: 0FQ1DMFGSPNMT

A Washing Up Pad made of natural loofah plant, plastic-free and vegan.

A 100% biodegradable alternative to plastic washing-up sponges. When immersed in water swells up to become a soft, spongy and flexible pad. It’s soft enough for non-stick pans and supple enough to fit into mugs. Each durable pad will last for months and when worn out can be composted. Each pad has a convenient cotton hanging string. Flattened for transport to save space.

How to use: Use in warm water with washing up liquid, like a washing up sponge. Soak and remove baked on food first. To keep loofah fresh between uses, squeeze out excess water, shake out any food particles & hang to dry from the cotton string loop. Occasionally wash in the washing machine or by hand if desired.

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