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Smooth peanut butter

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Smooth peanut butter
Product Details
Clover Product ID: H099B6ZE07516
Weight: 0,55 kg

Smooth peanut butter made in store with our super duper Wenutbutter machine!


Ingredients: Hi-oleic peanuts.

Hi-oleic peanuts are a special variety of peanuts that are only grown in a few places around the world; We use these peanuts not only because they are naturally sweeter and more delicious than standard peanuts, but they actually also contain higher levels of mono-unsaturated fats (the ‘good’ kind of fat, which helps support normal cholesterol levels). In fact, hi-oleic peanuts contain around 30% more monounsaturated fats than regular peanuts, which puts them up there with other heart-healthy foods like avocados and olive oil.

To make this an even lower-waste product there is no unessary labelling on the jar and our local customers buy into our jar return scheme where the jars get washed, reused and go back onto the shop floor again.

We haven't had a customer yet who doesn't love it !

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