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Golden Linseeds / Flax

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Product Details
Clover Product ID: MXXN7SMNH2MPY
Grams per unit: 100g

High in Fibre and a source of omega oils, our whole golden linseed has a nutty flavour, milder than brown linseed, making it a great addition to sweet and savoury breads and baking.

  • Sprinkle on salads, add to smoothies, use in baking. Soak whole seeds and add to porridge and smoothies. Containing soluble and insoluble fibre as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, linseed is a nutritious addition.
    Soak 1 tablespoon of seeds in 3 tablespoons of warm water for 30 minutes to replace one egg in vegan baking.

Golden Linseed are high in protein, a good source of Omega 3 oils and rich fibre

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